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内布拉斯加林肯大学(University of Nebraska-Lincoln,简称UNL)成立于1869年,位于美国内布拉斯加州州府林肯市,是一所具有着悠久教学和研究历史的世界一流综合性公立大学。学校专业广泛,学术质量过硬,尤其以工程、计算机、商科、教育、新闻、保险、音乐等专业而闻名。2015年在校学生总数为25,000人,教职工6179名,其中教授521名,副教授575名。在众多学生中,外籍学生来自130个不同的国家和地区,2015年在校国际学生人数为3,350人。该校是当今世界最具活力的学校之一,也是美国最受欢迎的学校之一。除学术优秀外,亦被称为“足球王国”。
1. 校际合作:UNL派遣外籍教师来ZUCC为项目学生教授英语;
2. 专业自由:UNL有150个专业可供修读,可续读硕博。
3. 签证优势:本项目内学生至今无一人被拒签;
4. 奖学金金额多:项目学生出国后可享有每学分235美金的奖学金;
5. 交流互访:每年均有UNL学生团来访城院,与项目学生交流互动;
6. 项目设有专项办公室:内设English Corner,资料齐备,学习环境佳,专为项目学生设置使用;
7. 课外活动丰富:UNL中美合作办公室出资为项目内学生举办英语欢迎晚会、圣诞晚会等;并组织学生同外教出游,寓教于乐。
1. 浙江大学城市学院统招计算学院、信电学院、工程学院、商学院(中新和中澳班除外)所有专业以及医学院药学专业的大一新生,英语高考成绩在100分及以上者。
2. 浙江大学城市学院统招计算学院、信电学院、工程学院和商学院所有专业大二学生,大一所修读课程平均成绩在80分以上者。
1.  每学期开学第1-2周(即每学期期初补选课截止日期前)
2.  每学期期末考试开始前2周(即每学期期末选课起止时间段)
※ 注:以上时间具体以补选课截止日期为准。
 1. 校园开放日现场
 2. 新生报到现场
 3. 内布拉斯加林肯大学中美合作项目办:城院北校区文科1号楼406室(外语学院)
1.  托福达70分(写作20分)或雅思达6分(写作5.5分)及以上;
2.  在城市学院就读的课程GPA达3.0及以上(即平均成绩达80分及以上)。
1. 在城市学院就读期间,除按专业收取学费外,每学期收取项目费用2500元人民币。
2. 在林肯大学就读期间(以下费用以美元计),
学费:25,166美元(按通识课程的30个学分计算)      奖学金:7,050 (按平均每年30个学分计算)
    项目内学生出国后可获得每学分235美元奖学金的待遇,约占每学分费用的40%;一般学生一年选30个学分,每年约奖学金 7050美元。扣除奖学金,每年学费和生活费用约为人民币28万左右。
In order to ensure students are fully prepared to study abroad and have the best chance of success, the following requirements will be put in place for students in the UNL-ZUCC PDP. 为了让学生更好的适应留学生活,最大可能的取得成功,特制定如下内布拉斯加林肯大学(UNL)与浙江大学城市学院(ZUCC)本科课程合作项目规则:

1.       Students must begin the program as freshmen in the first semester, and they are required to attend English class for 5 1/2 periods a week during the first year. 建议所有学生在大学一年级的第一学期开学初就加入合作项目,参加每周2次(共计5.5课时)的林肯项目英语培训课程。

2.       Students must achieve a 70% or higher in the PDP English class and a college GPA above 2.2 in their first and second semesters in order to remain in the program as sophomores. 为了保持合作项目学生的身份,在第一学期和第二学期结束时,该学期学生合作项目外教英语课程成绩须达到70分及以上,且ZUCC所修课程的GPA(按美国4.0标准计算)须达到2.2及以上。

3.       Students must take the IELTS exam and achieve a score of at least 4.5 in all skill areas during the summer between freshmen year and sophomore year in order to remain in the program. Or students can opt to take the TOEFL during the summer and obtain a score of 50 or above. (Scores must be submitted to the office before sophomore class begins.) 为了保持合作项目学生的身份,学生在第一学年的暑期必须参加一次雅思或托福考试,且雅思总分及各个单项成绩都不得低于4.5分,或托福总分不低于50分。(成绩单须在第三学期开学前提交给合作项目办公室)

4.       Students must achieve a passing grade in the PDP English class and a GPA above 2.2 in their third semester in order to successfully apply to UNL and qualify for the scholarship.为了能够顺利申请UNL并获得奖学金,学生第三学期合作项目外教英语课程的成绩须到60分及以上,且ZUCC第三学期所修课程GPA须到2.2及以上。

5.       Students must take the IELTS or TOEFL exam again by the end of winter break (spring festival) after their third semester if a desirable score (6 overall and 5.5 writing for IELTS, or 70 overall and 20 writing for TOEFL) had not been previously achieved. 没有达到雅思6.0(写作5.5)或托福70(写作20)要求的学生必须在寒假结束前再参加一次雅思或托福考试。(成绩单须在第四学期开学前提交给合作项目办公室)

6.       Students who drop out of the program or who were dropped due to low scores can not reenter the program at a later date. 中途退出合作项目或者因为不达要求被退出合作项目的学生不能重新加入项目。

7.       Students are encouraged to remain in the program at ZUCC for the full two years before transferring to UNL. 建议在林肯合作项目学满两年之后再转至UNL


1.       Students wishing to join the program in the second semester of their freshmen year should fill out an application form before the end of their first semester to let the PDP office know of their intentions. Students eligible to join must have achieved a GPA of 2.5 or higher in their first semester to be considered for an interview. Students who then pass the interview will be admitted to the program and will be held to the same rules of a 70% or higher in the PDP English class and an overall college GPA of at least 2.2. They will also be expected to take the IELTS or TOEFL before August of sophomore year. 希望在第二学期加入合作项目的学生最好在第一学期结束前填写申请表格。第一学期ZUCC所修课程成绩的GPA不低于2.5者可以获得面试资格,通过面试者可在第二学期进入合作项目。此后的学习,合作项目外教英语课程成绩70分以上及ZUCC课程成绩GPA2.2以上的要求同样须达到。同样,暑期结束前须参加一次雅思考试并且在开学前将成绩单交至项目办。

2.       Students wishing to join the program at the beginning of their sophomore year (1 year after the desired starting time) should fill out an application form before the end of their freshmen year to let the PDP office know of their intentions. Students must have achieved a cumulative GPA of no less than 2.5 in their first academic year at ZUCC. Such students will then be eligible for an interview. If the student meets the GPA requirement and passes the interview, he/she will be admitted on probation and may be dropped if the following criteria are not met: a grade of 70% in the PDP English class; a GPA of at least 2.2 during the first sophomore semester, and an IELTS score of 5.5 with a writing sub score of at least 5.0, or a TOEFL score of 61 with a writing sub score of at least 17 submitted before the end of the semester. Students are encouraged to take the IELTS more than once, so a first score should be submitted before the end of October for all new-comers. (All English proficiency tests such as IELTS or TOEFL have to be taken within 6 months of applying). 希望在第三学期加入合作项目的学生最好在第二学期结束前填写申请表格,前2学期ZUCC所修课程成绩的GPA不低于2.5者可以获得面试资格,通过面试者可在第三学期进入合作项目以“查看”状态学习。“查看”状态的学生如果不能满足如下要求,将被退出合作项目:1)合作项目外教英语课程成绩须达到70分及以上; 2)该学期的GPA2.2以上;3)在学期结束前语言须达到雅思5.5(写作5.0)或托福61(写作17)的要求。未到UNL语言录取要求的新加入者最好在10月份前参加一次雅思考试,以获得相应的信息。(所有语言成绩必须在6个月内获得)。

No students will be admitted after the 3rd semester. 第三学期后学生不能再加入合作项目。